Accredited cannabis analysis for cannabis clubs, cultivation associations and marketers

The legalisation of cannabis is subject to strict legal requirements. Legislation provides for the distribution of cannabis products with the legally prescribed THC content limits to members of cannabis clubs and growers’ associations.

With our accredited cannabis analysis, cannabis clubs and growers’ associations as well as companies that cultivate and distribute cannabis products can rest assured that they are complying with the legal requirements for THC content. In addition, pesticide residues and microbiological contamination can be detected in cannabis.

In this way, you can provide proof from a certified laboratory of the properties and quality of your cannabis products, including to the legislator in case of doubt.


Successful participation in the FAPAS proficiency test on cannabinoids

We are proud to announce that our laboratory is one of 3 laboratories that successfully detected all cannabinoids in the Fapas – Food Chemistry Proficiency Test on cannabidoids in oil.

You can find the results of the test here.

The chemical laboratory Dr Mang is listed in the certificate under number 12. 
Only laboratories that have achieved a z-score within -2/+2 for cannabidiol and cannabidivarin in sample A and sample B have passed the overall test (see page 9-10).

Determine THC and CBD content
Detect pesticide residues
Check microbiological load
Test Seal ’Tested Cannabis’

Seal approval ’Tested Cannabis’

Show quality: The test seal ‘Tested Cannabis’ gives your products an indication of the tested quality of your cannabis products. Label your cannabis products with the seal of approval of our cannabis analysis and show your consumers your quality standards.

Further information on the legal requirements can be found under this link: GMB – Cannabis Act

We look forward to your enquiry, just get in touch with us!

Cannabis Analysis (Last updated April 11th, 2024)

Test procedures according to accreditation certificate D-PL-17110-01 according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
Tests in the areas of physical-chemical, chemical and microbiological testing of foodstuffs
1. Physical, physical-chemical and chemical analysis of food stuffs
1.2 Determination by means of pesticide residues and cannabinoids using liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (LC-MS/MS)
ASU L 00.00-115
Foods of plant origin – Multimethod for the determination of pesticide residues using GC- and LC-based analysis following acetonitrile extraction/partitioning and clean-up by dispersive SPE. Modular QuEChERS-method (exception: only for the determination of matrix groups: 1. fruits and vegetables, 2. acidic fruits, 4b. oleiferous fruits, 6. special matrixes)
Quick method for the analysis of residues of numerous highly polar pesticides in foods of plant origin using LC-MS/MS
Multimethod for the determination of cannabinoids in plants and their products using LC-MS/MS
1.3 Determination by means of pesticide residues and contaminations using gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection(GC-MS/GC-MS/MS)
ASU L 00.00-115
Foods of plant origin – Multimethod for the determination of pesticide residues using GC- and LC-based analysis following acetonitrile extraction/partitioning and clean-up by dispersive SPE. Modular QuEChERS-method (exception: only for the determination of matrix groups: 1. fruits and vegetables, 2. acidic fruits, 4b. oleiferous fruits, 6. special matrixes)

Abbreviations: ASU (Amtliche Sammlung von Untersuchungsverfahren nach §64 LFGB), DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.), EN (European Standards), IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), QuEChERS (Quick Easy Cheap Effective Rugged and Safe)