1. Physical, physical-chemical and chemical analysis of food and feed | |
1.1 Determination by means of HPLC with standard detectors (UV and fluorescence detector) | |
ASU L23.05-2 2012-01 |
Food analysis – determination of aflatoxin B1 and the total of aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2 in peanuts, pistachios, figs and paprika powder-HPLC-procedure with immunoaffinity column and postcolumn derivatisation |
ASU L26.00-1 2001-07 |
Food analysis – Determination of nitrate levels in vegetable produce HPLC/IC-procedure (exception: only HPLC-procedure in this case) |
1.2 Determination by means of gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS/MS) | |
ASU L 00.00-36-2 2004-07 |
Food analysis – determination of bromide residue in low-fat foods part 2: determination of inorganic bromide |
ASU L 00.00-115 2007-12 |
Food analysis – multi-methods for determination of pesticide residue in foods of plant origin by means of GC-MS(/MS) or LC-MS(/MS) after acetonitrile extraction/spreading and purification by means of dispersive SPE (QuEChERS) |
ASU L00.00-49/2 1999-11 |
Food analysis, low-fat foods, determination of dithiocarbamate and thiuramdisulphide residue, part 2: gas chromatographic procedure |
1.3 Determination by means of liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (LC-MS/MS) | |
ASU L 00.00-115 2007-12 |
Food analysis – multi-methods for determination of pesticide residue in foods of plant origin by means of GC-MS(/MS) or LC-MS(/MS) after acetonitrile extraction/spreading and purification by means of dispersive SPE (QuEChERS) |
QuPPe-Method Nov.-Dec.2008 EURL CVUA Stuttgart |
Quick method for the analysis of residues of numerous highly polar pesticides in foods of plant origin involving simultaneous extraction with methanol and LC-MS/MS determination (QuPPe-method) |
QuPPe-Method Version 7 Nov.-Dec.2008 EURL CVUA Stuttgart |
Quick method for the analysis of residues of numerous highly polar pesticides in foods of plant origin involving simultaneous extraction with methanol and LC-MS/MS determination (QuPPe-method) |
2. Microbiological Food Analysis | |
ASU L00.00-20 2008-12 |
Food analysis – horizontal procedure for determining salmonella spp. in foods |
ASU L00.00-88 | Food analysis – horizontal procedure for 2004-07 microorganism count – colony counting procedure at 30 °C (exception: spiral plate procedure at 37 °C) |
ASU L00.00-33 2006-09 |
Food analysis – horizontal procedure for count of presumptive bacillus cereus – colony counting procedure at 30 °C (exception: spiral plate procedure at 37 °C) |
ASU L01.00-3 | Food analysis – determination of coliform 1987-03 germs in milk, dairy products, butter, cheese and ice cream; procedure with solid agar (exception: spiral plate procedure at 37 °C; use of commercial ready-to-use prepared media for parallel determination of escherichia coli) |
ASU L00.00-133/2 2010-09 |
Food analysis – horizontal procedure for determination and counting of enterobacteriaceae in foods. Part 2: colony counting technique (exception: spiral plate procedure) |
ASU L01.00-37 1991-12 |
Food analysis – determination of yeast and fungi count in milk and dairy products; reference procedure (exception: spiral plate procedure at 37 °C) |
ASU L06.00-35 1992-12 |
Food analysis – determination of aerobically growing lactic acid bacteria in meat and meat products; pipetting procedure (reference procedure) (exception: spiral plate procedure at 37 °C) |
ASU L06.00-43 1998-09 |
Food analysis – pseudomonas spp. count in meat and meat products (exception: spiral plate procedure at 37 °C) |
ASU L00.00-32 2006-09 |
Food analysis – horizontal procedure for determination and counting of listeria monocytogenes part 1: verification procedure |
OXOID Deutschland GmbH product information of a commercial ready-to-use prepared media Enterohemolysin agar with sheep blood |
Determination of enterohaemorrhagic escherichia coli (EHEC) in foods of plant origin |
ASU L00.00-55 2004-12 |
Food Analysis procedure for counting of coagulase-positive staphylococi part I: procedure with Baird Parker Agar (exception: spiral plate procedure, use of commercial ready-to-use prepared media) |
ASU L00.00-91 2006-12 |
Food Analysis horizontal procedure for determination of shigella spp. (exception: use of commercial ready-to-use prepared media) |
ASU L00.00-107 2007-04 |
Food Analysis horizontal procedure for determination and counting of campylobacter spp.; verification procedure |
3. Chemical, chemical-physical and microbiological analysis of drinking, mineral, spring and table water | |
3.1. Sampling | |
EN ISO 19458 2006-08 |
Water quality sampling for microbiological analysis |
DIN EN ISO 5667-3 2003-12 Correction 2006-08 |
Water quality sampling part 3: instructions for preservation and handling of samples |
DIN EN ISO 5667-5 2011-02 |
Water quality sampling part 5: instructions for sampling drinking water from treatment plants and pipeline systems |
3.2. Microbiological analysis of drinking, mineral, spring and table water | |
DIN EN ISO 11731-2 2008-06 and amendment of UBA 2012-08 |
Water quality determination and count of legionella bacteria part 2: direct membrane filtration procedure with low bacteria count |
DIN EN ISO 16266 2008-05 |
Water quality determination and count of pseudomonas aeruginosa: membrane filtration procedure |
DIN EN ISO 7899-2 2000-11 |
Water quality determination and count of intestinal enterococci-part 2: membrane filtration procedure |
DIN EN ISO 9308-1 2001-07 |
Water quality determination and count of escherichia coli and coliform bacteria part 1: membrane filtration procedure |
TrinkwV 2001 Anl.5 Id) bb) 2011-11 |
Determination cultivatable microorganisms colony count at 20 °C and 36 °C in drinking water |
TrinkwV 2001 Anl.5 Ie) 2011-11 |
Clostridium perfringens (including spores) |
ASU L59.00-1 1988-05 |
Determination of escherichia coli and coliform germs in natural mineral, spring and table water |
ASU L59.00-2 1988-05 |
Determination of faecal streptococci in natural mineral water, spring and table water |
ASU L59.00-3 1988-05 |
Determination of pseudomonas aeruginosa in natural mineral water, spring and table water |
ASU L59.00-4 1988-05 |
Determination of sulphite-reducing, sporulating anaerobes in natural mineral water, spring and table water |
ASU L59.00-5 1988-05 |
Determination of colony count in natural mineral water, spring and table water |
3.3. Physical, physical-chemical and chemical examinations of drinking, mineral, spring and table water | |
DIN EN ISO 6468 1997-02 |
Determination of selected organochlorine insecticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and chlorbenzenes in drinking water by means of GC after liquid-liquid extraction |
Abbreviations: DIN (German Institute for Standardisation), EN (European Norm), ISO (International Organization for Standardisation), LFBG (German Food and Feed Code), QuEChERS (Quick Easy Cheap Effective Rugged and Safe), Pxx-yy-z.DOC (inhouse procedure)